Have you ever finished a medication and blankly stared at your empty Rx bottle, wondering ‘what do I do with this’? Instinctively, your first reaction would probably be to throw it in this trash, right? I mean, it is empty after all. Others who might slightly be more environmentally cognizant, will toss it into the recycling bin seeing as how it is plastic and that is where plastic waste goes.

Rx bottles are made of #5 plastic, a recyclable polypropylene material, however, they can be problematic for recycling plants to process due to their awkward size and shape. Many recycled products, such as water bottles, milk jugs, and cans can easily be sorted from the smaller debris while being sifted through the trommel, but often, your prescription bottles may fall through and end up sitting in a landfill anyways. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, it can take up to 20 to 30 years to degrade, which certainly does not do us or the environment any good. That is an exceptionally long time considering an estimated 4 billion prescriptions are filled by Americans each year.

There are hundreds of different ways to recycle your prescription bottles that are fun, yet practical. Below are some crafty DIY ideas to keep from polluting Mother Earth with empty Rx bottles:

Waterproof Emergency Survival Kit

    • Paracord (wrapped around outside)
    • Matches
    • Lint (accelerator)
    • Band-Aids
    • Rubbing alcohol packs
    • Safety pins
    • Advil
    • Fishing hook
    • Sewing string
    • Birthday candles
    • Razor blade
    • At least 1 ft. aluminum foil, folded
    • Button compass


    Beauty Product Travel Containers

      • Travel sized Shampoo, conditioner, body lotion
      • Q-tips
      • Nail polish remover (Fill with cotton balls and add nail polish remover)

    Misc. Holder

        • Bobby pins
        • Sewing needles/pins
        • Safety pins
        • paperclips
        • Loose change in car, suitcase, purse
        • Craft beads

    Incognito “hide-a-Key” container

      • Glue a rock or small yard décor on the lid, bury in the ground

    With all the creative ideas listed above, you can add your own flare and showcase your personality by decorating the pill bottle itself, whether is with paint, glitter, jewels, fabric – whatever you desire! Below is a link for a product that will help remove the sticky Rx label from the bottles.


    While being practical and creative, you can help protect our planet from unnecessary pollutants, so join the cause and show some love for Mother Earth on Earth Day!

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