Harbor Health & Apothecary is a 503a new state-of-the-art compounding pharmacy that is held to regulatory requirements by multiple governing bodies, including Department of Health and the Washington State Board of Pharmacy. We are USP 800 compliant with the USP regulations that protects the patient and healthcare workers from potential harm that pertains to hazardous drugs.

Our Sterile Compounding involves different steps creating a medication that is absent of bacteria, viruses, and any other potentially infectious micro-organisms. Our Sterile Clean Rooms are inspected every six months by a third party technical services company for Biosafety. At Harbor Health, our sterile compounding involves different steps by our professional pharmacy team to create medications that is absent of bacteria and viruses utilizing PPE (personal protective equipment) such as gowns, masks, goggles, and gloves during the compounding process under vented HEPA Filtered Hood Systems utilizing sterilized equipment in our cleanrooms.