Cell Code® Supplements – Omega 3

Cell Code® Supplements – Omega 3

Not only do we provide state of the art compounded pharmaceuticals to our local community, at Harbor Health and Apothecary we carry a private line of daily supplements called Cell Code®, Basic Units of Life. A very important member of the Cell Code® line is Omega-3...
What is a Compounding Pharmacy?

What is a Compounding Pharmacy?

Welcome back! You either like our first blog articles, are on the fence, or you are secretly being made to read our blog against your will… Whatever the reason, we are glad you are back. We are asked frequently, what is a compounding pharmacy? Well, this is the...
International Women’s Day, Part 2

International Women’s Day, Part 2

In continuing our celebration of International Women’s Day Today, we are sharing two more of the talented and successful women that make Harbor Health and Apothecary a thriving community to be a part of. JENNA FRY What is your current position at HHA?I am a...
International Women’s Day, Part 1

International Women’s Day, Part 1

International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. It is a day that has been celebrated for over 100 years! In fact, the first IWD event held in 1911 in Austria, Denmark, Germany and...