As your pet ages, it may require certain medications to ensure their health. This may be short or long-term medication. No matter what type your pet needs, consider the following 10 questions to ask about your pet’s medication.

10 questions to ask about your pet’s medication

If your pet needs medication, be sure to ask the following questions.

What’s the purpose of this medication? 

If your pet is prescribed medication, it’s advisable to ask why. This can help you understand what to look out for to see if it is working. For example, medication prescribed to address issues with your pet’s skin should offer results. Understanding the purpose can help you determine the effectiveness of the prescribed medication.

What forms of the medication are available? 

Pets are similar to children when it comes to medication. Some do not like certain kinds of medication. If your pet is averse to eating pills, a squeeze syringe may be easier. Ask what medication forms are available to ensure your pet gets the most out of it. 

Can you show how I should administer the medication? 

Have your veterinarian demonstrate exactly how you should administer the medication. This includes how you should hold your pet and any other tips. Do this in the veterinarian’s office so you can to do it on your own at home.

How often do I need to give my pet the medication? 

As with people, you should ask how often you need to administer the medication. This includes how many times each day, what time each day, and the dosage. It is imperative to avoid giving your pet too much or too little as it could make them sick. 

How long will my pet need to be on this medication? 

Some medications are short-term and others are more long-term. This is necessary to understand when you should see results. Short-term medications are used for as little as a few days. However, long-term medications may need to be taken for the rest of their lives.

How do I properly store this medication? 

Understanding how to store your pet’s medication is key to ensure it lasts. Some medications require being at room temperature, in a cool space, or even in the refrigerator. Check with the veterinarian before leaving the office.

Are there any side effects I should be aware of? 

Each medication can have different side effects. It could be a rash, stomach upset, or even fatigue. Understand the side effects so know exactly what to look out for if your pet starts acting differently.

Does my pet need to take this on a full or empty stomach? 

Some medications need to be taken on an empty stomach, while others need to be taken with some food. Check with your veterinarian beforehand to see how to administer the medication to your pet.

Are there any flavor options available? 

Just like people, dogs can taste medication and may be averse to some flavors. Certain pet medications are flavored to their unique tastes. If you have a picky pet, ask which flavor options are available.

What’s a compounded medication? 

Certain pet medications aren’t available ready-made. In fact, some medications are compounded by a special pharmacy. Compounding pharmacies make the medication when you order them. Ask your veterinarian if your pet needs any compounded medications, in addition to which compounding pharmacy you should go to.

Pet Health in Gig Harbor

Ensuring your pet’s health is important. As they age, they may need certain medications to ensure their comfort and long-term health. There are various pet health programs that can keep your pet in good shape. Contact the team at Harbor Health as they are experts in pet health in pet health in Gig Harbor!

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