Medicines NOT to Give a Preschooler

Medicines NOT to Give a Preschooler

Having a sick preschooler can be tough. They are old enough to share how they are feeling, but not old enough for you to be able to give them the types of medicine you would if they were older. It’s best to consult with their pediatrician if you are unsure, but the...
Importance of Sanitizing a Wound

Importance of Sanitizing a Wound

Wounds can happen to anyone so it’s important to be prepared. Whether you fall, get into an accident, or even have a spill at work, it is important to take care of the wound right away. Depending on the severity, you may be able to take care of the wound yourself....
Allergy Season

Allergy Season

It’s that time of year again! The sun is staying out longer, and all the beautiful plants are starting to bloom all around us. With all that beauty comes pollen, which can make life quite uncomfortable for those of us with seasonal allergies! While some of you are...
Recycling Rx Pill Bottles

Recycling Rx Pill Bottles

Have you ever finished a medication and blankly stared at your empty Rx bottle, wondering ‘what do I do with this’? Instinctively, your first reaction would probably be to throw it in this trash, right? I mean, it is empty after all. Others who might slightly be more...
What is a Compounding Pharmacy?

What is a Compounding Pharmacy?

Welcome back! You either like our first blog articles, are on the fence, or you are secretly being made to read our blog against your will… Whatever the reason, we are glad you are back. We are asked frequently, what is a compounding pharmacy? Well, this is the...
International Women’s Day, Part 2

International Women’s Day, Part 2

In continuing our celebration of International Women’s Day Today, we are sharing two more of the talented and successful women that make Harbor Health and Apothecary a thriving community to be a part of. JENNA FRY What is your current position at HHA?I am a...