Not only do we provide state of the art compounded pharmaceuticals to our local community, at Harbor Health and Apothecary we carry a private line of daily supplements called Cell Code®, Basic Units of Life.

A very important member of the Cell Code® line is Omega-3 (gluten-free, non-GMO). Omega-3 fatty acids are derived from clean, pure fish oil such as anchovies, sardines, and mackerel. There are many reasons why people do not get enough Omega-3 in their diet. Whether they do not like fish, don’t eat enough of it, or are vegan, without adding a daily supplement it can be hard to get the FDA’s recommended daily value.

The health benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids are, but not limited to the following:

  • Fight Depression and Anxiety (especially Omega-3’s high in EPA fatty acids)
  • Improve Eye Health and help prevent macular degeneration (especially Omega-3’s that are high in DHA fatty acids)
  • Reduce symptoms of ADHD in children
  • Fight Chronic Inflammation
  • Fight Autoimmune Diseases
  • Fight Age-Related Mental Decline and Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Reduce fat in your liver
  • Improve Bone and Joint Health
  • Alleviate Menstrual Pain

Not only that but, Omega-3 supplements help vitamins absorb and improve brain function and one of its strongest components is to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, which causes an estimated 31% of all deaths worldwide. By looking at this list of benefits you can easily see why Omega-3 fatty acids are vital for optimal health!

Our private line of Omega-3 Cell Code® Supplements are available by visiting our website or by stopping by our retail location, Harbor Health & Apothecary – located at 3216 Judson St., Gig Harbor – WA, 98335.

The time is now to give your body the powerful boost it needs. Pick up a bottle of Cell Code® Omega-3 today!

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