Your skin makes up nearly 15% of your total body weight, and the average adult has roughly 21 square feet of skin. Taking good care of your skin is important as it is a major part of your body. While most skincare tips are based on vanity, skincare is important when it comes to your overall health as well. Below you will find the importance of proper skincare, and how you can ensure your skin is both beautiful and healthy.

Importance of Proper Skincare

Skincare goes beyond just your creams and serums. There are a number of factors that can help keep your skin healthy and glowing.

Skincare Routine:

The type of skincare routine you have will be unique to you. While some people double cleanse every night, you may just need a gentle cleanser once a day. Others may have a 9-step skincare routine, but you may be able to use just 3 or 4 products. The most important part of your skincare routine is including the foundational elements morning and night. This includes a cleanser, moisturizer, and SPF. If you have unique skin issues, you can add more products that address those issues. It’s important to include a healthy skincare routine into your day that fits your unique needs.

Diet and Gut Health:

Inflammation in your gut can impact your skin. Healing your skin from the outside is important, but you also need to heal it from the inside. Certain foods have been found to cause more inflammation than others. Things like gluten, dairy, and sugar can be problematic for your gut health, in addition to your skin. If you notice issues with your skin, take a look at your diet. Talk with your medical provider about food allergies and consider a food elimination diet to see how you react to certain diets. Some people can even be sensitive to traditionally “healthy foods,” like nuts or seeds.


Over half of your skin contains water. Hydration is key in ensuring your skin is hydrated and refreshed. It is recommended that adults drink at least eight glasses of water each day (8oz glasses). This will differ for each person, but it is a great benchmark to hit in order to stay hydrated throughout the day. Staying hydrated is helpful when it comes to your skin’s elasticity and it also helps curb some of the early signs of aging.

Skincare, Dermatology, and Your Health

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. It is often referred to as a “window” when it comes to your overall health. As you age your skin may go through certain changes. Sometimes these changes can be addressed at home, but other times it may require medical intervention. Certain skin concerns may require a more comprehensive approach. Things like very dry or oily skin, acne, or flaky skin can be more than just your average skincare issue.

Most creams and serums that you buy fail to address the root cause of the issue. This results in spending a lot of time and money on something that could be easily addressed by the Gig Harbor Dermatology Program. The dermatology program can use helpful tools to create a customized treatment plan just for you. Whether you have certain food allergies or an intolerance, a hormone imbalance, or issues with your blood sugar, the top apothecary in Seattle can help build a treatment plan to ensure your skin looks and feels great. This includes customized topical products that can soothe your skin, in addition to powder supplements that can heal you from the inside out. Being proactive and healing your skin from the inside out can ensure your skin looks and feels healthy for decades to come.

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